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"Never allow a good crisis go to waste. It’s an opportunity to do the things you once thought were impossible."

רם עמנואללשעבר ראש סגל הבית הלבן של הנשיא אובמה

"Never allow a good crisis go to waste. It’s an opportunity to do the things you once thought were impossible."

Rahm Emmanuel 23rd White House Chief of Staff,

for US President Barack Obama

אבי מוסקל - ניהול משברים ומוניטין

אבי מוסקל

מוסקל מדיה

Avi Muskal

Muskal Media

מהחברות העריכו בשנת 2019

שייקלעו למשבר בשנתיים הקרובות


הודו שלא נערכו כראוי ופעלו רק בדיעבד ליישום תוכנית ניהול משבר


אל תהיו כמוהם! היערכו מראש והגיבו מהר, כדי למזער נזקים

(נתונים: PWC בקרב אלפיים חברות ברחבי העולם עבור הפורום הכלכלי העולמי, מחקר ניהול משברים לשנת 2023 - חברת Capterra)

אבי מוסקל - ניהול משברים ומוניטין


of executives reported that their company experienced at least one crisis in the past 5 years.


admitted that they were not properly prepared and only acted in retrospect to implement a crisis management plan.

Don't be like them! Prepare in advance and respond quickly to minimize damages.

(Data: PWC among two thousand companies worldwide for the World Economic Forum, Crisis Management Research for 2023 - Capterra Company)

אבי מוסקל - ניהול משברים ומוניטין

No one anticipated a global crisis on the scale of the COVID-19 pandemic, where complacency and preconceptions also allowed for the surprise of 'October 7th'.

Every such crisis affects all of us, company owners, organizations, and citizens alike. Those who were prepared in advance, the ones who responded well – they knew how to grow from the crisis.

It doesn't have to be a crisis on an international or national scale; it could also be a phone call you received from a journalist working on an investigation, or a customer complaint that exposes your company to potential damage.

It's possible to prepare for every media crisis, and if we're already there, why not seize the opportunity it offers and grow from the crisis?!

In the Chinese language, the word "crisis" is composed of two characters, one representing danger and the other, opportunity.


אבי מוסקל - ניהול משברים ומוניטין
אבי מוסקל - מו�סקל מדיה - תקשורת, ייעוץ אסטרטגי וניהול משברים

Avi Moskal has experience in communication consulting and strategic consulting,
and for years also as a journalist and editor of news editions,

and this allows him to plan a communication strategy,
minimize damage to reputation

and help you protect yourself against crises.

Don't wait for a crisis to come,

Let's mark the opportunity now!

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